Watching our seeds sprout!
The Lorax inspired Truffula Tree drawing
Working together to clean oil off of feathers
Bugs and insect play at the light table
Flower painting!
Getting our hands dirty in the garden
Seed and sprout investigation
Cleaning up the oil spill in the water table
Finger painting on the table!
Bean counting at the light table
Digging and Planting
Cheerio and blueberry bird feeders
Working as a team to sort the recycling
Some of the Four year olds initiated a playground clean up!
More digging and planting!
Butterfly Puzzle
Retelling The Carrot Seed with our felt board
Let's see if we can make the garlic bulb sprout.
Stay tuned.....
Clay exploration with natural materials
Recycled Materials art
Bark Rubbing
Investigating fallen flowers
Learning parts of a flower
Collecting natural bits to put on our sticky bracelets