Friday, 29 May 2015

This week in class......




Planting our garden!


Cow Udder Painting

The finished work of art
Shaving Cream Sheep "Shearing"

The 3 year olds travelled to Maplewood Farm.
These were their favorite things....

Mini Horse Washing

Sponge Cow Print Painting

Black and White water table fun


Farms pop up in the most unexpected spots!
We tried our handing at milking

Everyone enjoyed themselves

Mud painting

Feeding corn to the baby chicks

Letter Y and Z Day

Fine Motor Letter Tracing at Light Table

Yellow Water Table
Letter Hunt

Yellow Lemon-scented Painting

Duplo Zoo Animal Construction

Yellow Yarn "Snap" Painting

Zebra Habitat in Sensory Bin

Zebra and Zucchini Matching

Zoo Animal Puzzle

Zig Zag Race Track
(moving left to right: fine motor and pre-reading/writing skills)

Friday, 22 May 2015

Pacific Spirit Park Field Trip

Springtime and Farms

Nature Memory Game

Frog and Lilypad Counting

Pigs Playing in the Mud!

Beehive Fingerprints

Fine Motor Pipecleaner and Bead Trees

Farm Animal Felt Board Creativity

The 4 Year Old Class creating their very own laptops!
One student had the idea, and it caught on until almost every student
had created their own!

Natural Elements

Oatmeal Playdough

Oatmeal Farm Sensory Bin

The Little Red Hen story extension
Making our own Bread in a Bag!

Wheat Stalk fork painting

Tractor Tire Printing

Ice Cream Making

Matching Farm Animal Moms and Babies

One of these things is not like the other...
Visual Discrimination