Tuesday, 12 May 2015

Illness Policy

Good Morning, Douglas Park Families!
We've noticed an influx in students being away over the last few weeks and there are definitely some viruses going around!
The staff have been diligent in washing toys everyday, as well as maintaining our cleaning procedures for the classroom surfaces.
As a friendly reminder, and in an effort to keep everyone healthy and happy, you will find our Illness Policy attached below.  If you have any questions at all, please don't hesitate to check in with the teachers!
*Please note:  It is very important that, during your child's class hours, we are able to reach you by phone if needed.  Please ensure that your phone is turned on during this time. *
While we are sensitive to the stress that illness may cause for families, we are not licensed to care for children when they are ill.  You need to keep your child at home, or make alternate arrangements, if your child:
·         has a communicable disease
·         has a contagious infection, including pink eye, chicken pox, scabies etc.
·         has a fever over 38 degrees Celsius
·         is vomiting or has diarrhea (must be free of symptoms for 24 hours before returning to school)
·         has a skin infection or an undiagnosed rash
·         is not well enough to participate in all program activities including outdoor play
Please notify the preschool staff if your child has a communicable disease so that other families and the Community Health Department can be notified.  Your child’s name will be kept confidential.
If your child becomes ill during the program, we will attempt to contact you.  If you are unavailable, we will try to reach your emergency contact(s).  We will provide a quiet, resting area and close staff supervision until you, or one of your contacts, can pick up your child.  If the situation becomes urgent, we will follow the emergency procedures outlined below.

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