Welcome to May, Preschool Families!
We are officially into our second to last month of the school year and can't believe how quickly the year has flown by! We are cherishing every moment we have left with the students! You may notice in the following weeks that we are leading more circle times and/or snack times outside, and we may be spending a few extra minutes to lead the children on neighbourhood walks to take in all of the beautiful flowers blooming. Please don't forget to dress your child for the weather of the day. This can include sunscreen, sun hats, and shirts that cover shoulders from the sun.
Important Dates and Reminders
Mother's Day Tea
Orca 3am- Thursday, May 5th
Orca 4am/ 4pm; Unicorn 3am/4pm- Friday, May 6th
Professional Development Day- No classes in session
Friday, May 20th
Victoria Day- No classes in session
Monday, May23rd
***Don't forget to mark your calendars for Park Day- Friday, June 10th!***
For parents of students in the Unicorn Room.....
As we are sure you've already noticed, we are delving into the magical world of Fairy Tales! We noticed that we were hearing students stretching their imaginations during outside time as well as during our open-ended free play time; there has been fanciful talks and musings of fairies, trolls, and woodland sprites! As educators, this is music to our ears!! I have added a link to a wonderful article from The Scottish Book Trust, written by Saoirse Docherty, about why fairy tales are important for children. The points laid out summarise our beliefs quite nicely and we are excited to share them with you! When you have a moment, take a peek.
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